Camo Day: Monday
Everyone brought out their real-tree camouflage and their well-worn hunting gear to start out the spirit week strong.
Preppy Day: Tuesday
Everyone made jokes about how preppy day is not really that different from normal days at our prep school, but it was nice to see everyone in their preppy best!
America Day: Wednesday
This was one of my favorite days! USA USA USA

Pajama Day: Wednesday
One of my comfiest days at school...ever!
Spirit Day:
This picture cracks me up! Yearbookers attempting to spell out our school's letters.
At the end of the week, we had a huge pep rally, where all of the seniors from the fall teams got to do a dance. Unfortunately, due to issues with the content of our music, the volleyball team was unable to perform. After the event was over we stayed in the gym and performed it for our friends. I actually was really upset about not being able to dance. It was something that I had looked forward to doing for over six years of my life. I guess everything happens for a reason, but it was really unfortunate.
I'm so excited for the homecoming dance tonight!