I am back from my visit to Williamsburg, Virginia to take a look at The College of William and Mary. I really liked the campus, even though today it was extremely hot and humid.
To help compare W&M to Davidson and Wake Forest, and other schools I will be visiting in the future, I will use the checklist of the things I want in a college, that I created when I wrote the wrap up post about Davidson.
How does William and Mary stack up? Here is my checklist.
1. Study abroad: William and Mary does offer the option of studying abroad. Like some other colleges, it allows you to travel through different programs and universities if they do not offer a program that you would like. However, not a huge number of students participate, only around 40%.
2. Small classes: William and Mary is considered a small public/state funded school, even though in comparison with all the universities in the country it is medium sized. The class sizes reflect this, somewhat. 84% of classes have under 40 people. Many of the larger classes are freshman intro lecture-style classes, like psychology. These can have 200+ people! That large class would be very interesting, because at my high school, I have never taken a class with more than twenty people.
3. Traditions: William and Mary is the second oldest college in the nation (behind Harvard). Due to this, William and Mary sits on a historic campus with many historic traditions. They actually have the oldest operating school building in the nation, the Wren Building. It is stunning! For me personally, William and Mary itself is a tradition for my family. Practically everyone in my family (18++ living family members) have attended the college, so I know that I would have tons of family support if I were to be accepted into W&M. Here are some photos of the Wren building!
4. Honor code: Yes! My tour guide did not really cover this very well (or cover anything well, for that matter). However, she did make it clear that the college does have an honor code, and you can definitely leave things around on campus without having them stolen or tampered with. She said that the only thing she wouldn't do is leave cash sitting out for a while, which is understandable. I follow that principle at my school (which has a strict honor code) as well.
5. Liberal Arts education: Yes! You have to take courses in 6 different subjects, such as math, religion, ect. You do not declare your major until sophomore/junior year.
6. College town (with trees!): The town right off the W&M campus is a semi college town , semi Colonial Williamsburg, but then you get into more of a commercial city out of that. You have outlets, Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, and tons of other run of the mill stores. The college/colonial town has a ton of cute shops including an old time candy store, peanut shop, Williams-Sonoma, Barnes & Noble university bookstore, a Lilly Pulitzer, a Talbots, a toy shop, and many more! And so many lush and beautiful trees, do not even get me started! Also for that inner-Carribean-lover in all of us, they have a palm tree on campus.
7. Greek life: Yes! About 30% of William and Mary students go Greek. I am a legacy at William and Mary's tridelta, which has a beautiful house in sorority court. I love that W&M does have sorority houses all together and all school operated. They did not have this at Wake Forest nor at Davidson. Here are some pictures of the tridelt house and sorority court!
Here are some more pictures of the beautiful campus!
An interesting tidbit I learned about William and Mary in the information session is that 1/3 of the applicants are instate, but because they are a public university 2/3 of the student body must be from Virginia, so the chances of getting into the school are a lot greater if you are from Virginia.
Another thing I really liked about William and Mary was the fact that they have a division one football team! Go griffins!
All in all, I really liked William and Mary. I would say that my favourite colleges that I have visited as of right now would be in this order:
1. Davidson
2. William and Mary
3. Wake Forest
Hopefully I will be able to visit some other colleges on my varied list:
- Washington and Lee University
- Sewanee: The University of the South
- University of Virginia
- Vanderbilt University
- College of Charleston
- Georgetown University
- Southern Methodist University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Georgia
- Boston College
- University of Richmond
I know that some of these schools do not necessarily have everything on my list, but I have heard great things abut all of them, and I would love to experience something outside my comfort zone, at least in the context of a tour. If you all have any suggestions, please let me know!
Catch y'all later!