Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wake Forest

Hey everyone!

I am now in the car driving from Winston-Salem, NC to Davidson, NC. Here I will outline our trip!

We ate lunch at Village Tavern, which was recommended to me by Hannah H., who runs the blog, "the Pink and Green Prep" (which is my OBSESSION). It was really good! I recommend trying their apple cobbler.

I devoured this cobbler. Seriously. 

Then my mom and I drove around in Wake Forest's campus. Even though it was really rainy the entire time, the campus was really pretty. It was a basically brick campus, which ended up really growing on me. 

Here is an example of a beautiful forest-lined street on campus. 

I love how lush the campus was. The fact that is was a gated campus and how you can't enter the school after 10 unless you have a WFU ID card was really cool. It seems like a really safe campus. 

There were a lot of restaurants and by the time I would get there, there will be three cafeterias (they have two right now and are building one now). That's really good for a vegetarian like me, because it means that there will be a lot of options food-wise. 

Wake = bricks!

My favourite building is Wait Chapel. So pretty!

The tour guide and the information session leader were very... Interesting people. However, their love for the college was evident.

A big plus for Wake is the fact that they have a wide option for majors, you do not declare your major until second semester sophomore year, and they have Greek societies. Also, I am a tridelt legacy and they have a chapter at Wake. 

The city of Winston-Salem isn't that fantastic, it looks really industrial. However, I don't think I would hang out too many places outside of the campus and off campus student owned houses anyways. 

I would can definitely see myself at Wake Forest. 

Can't wait to see Davidson!



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