Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Food 5: Weekend Breakfast Recipes

I have seen so many recipes that are perfect for a relaxed weekend breakfast on Pinterest. They look great for a cold winter morning. I knew that I had to share them! Here are my 5 favorite vegetarian breakfast recipes!

1. "dirty chai pancakes + vanilla cranberry compote" from The First Mess (find it here!)
I'm a sucker for pancakes... and for cranberries. As a picky vegetarian, most of what I eat at Thanksgiving is the cranberry sauce. This vanilla cranberry compote sounds like that but so much better. And I beg my parents to make me pancakes (because I'm too tired lazy to do it myself) on a weekly basis. These sounds healthy and filling and oh so delicious!

2. "Buttermilk-Blueberry Breakfast Cake" from Alexandra Cooks (find it here!)
Photo from Alexandra Cooks
I made this a few years back and it was delicious. I originally found the recipe on Pinterest, I believe. I love blueberry breakfast treats! (On a normal school day I will have Eggo Blueberry waffles. Fancy? No. Delicious? Yes.) This cake is great warm and cold, and will help you have a great start to your day! It would also be really good with cranberries, just an idea!

3. "Mixed Berry Cobbler" from Bon Appétit (find it here!)
I use a wide variety of berries from my local grocery store!
Photo from Bon Appétit
My finished product

I have actually made this before, and it is so delicious. (Read my post from June about it, here!) I love having warm cobbler in the morning, especially in the winter. I also have it for dessert with a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Cobbler is so versatile, and when made correctly, so perfect. The best fresh berries are available in the summer, but year round you can change it up with the in season fruit!

4. "Spiced Maple Pull Aparts" from Better Homes & Gardens (find it here!)
Photo from Better Homes & Gardens
I love cinnamon rolls, and these look like those, but a little bit fancier (and stickier)! To me, these seem like a classic breakfast dish, and I think that they just sound amazing! They literally look finger-licking good.

5. "Cinnamon Rolls with Pearl Sugar" from Alexandra Cooks (find it here!)
Photo from Alexandra Cooks
 I am the biggest fan of pearl sugar, and as I mentioned before, I LOVE CINNAMON ROLLS. They are such a big deal in my house. Whenever my mom makes them, it is literally a race to the kitchen. These look amazing. I love Alexandra Cook's recipes. They all seem to rustic and delicious.

Have you tried any of these recipes? Any other great breakfast recipes that you would suggest?


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day #2

I cannot believe I have gotten snow two weeks in a row! School is cancelled today, and probably tomorrow as well. Fingers crossed there is no school until Monday, but who knows!

Here are some pics of our snow!

It's been so nice not having school today! 


Words of Wisdom

 I found this list on tumblr. I thought it was too good not to share. It makes me want to change things, and it really makes me think about how you and only you have the power to make yourself happy. You control how you handle a situation. Will you be the shy girl in the corner? The praised scholar? The brilliant artist? The person who always is up for a good time? The girl who makes everyone smile? 

It also encourages you to think about what you are doing, and WHY you're doing it. It's also extremely funny. Enjoy! (I sure did)

“1. There are plenty of ways to enter a pool. The stairs is not one of them. 2. Never cancel dinner plans by text message.
3. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.
4. If a street performer makes you stop walking, you owe him a buck.
5. Always use ‘we’ when referring to your home team or your government.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Don’t underestimate free throws in a game of ‘horse’.
8. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
9. Don’t dumb it down.
10. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut.
11. If you’re staying more than one night, unpack.
12. Never park in front of a bar.
13. Expect the seat in front of you to recline. Prepare accordingly.
14. Keep a picture of your first fish, first car, and first boy/girlfriend.
15. Hold your heroes to a high standard.
16. A suntan is earned, not bought.
17. Never lie to your doctor.
18. All guns are loaded.
19. Don’t mention sunburns. Believe me, they know.
20. The best way to show thanks is to wear it. Even if it’s only once.
21. Take a vacation of your cell phone, internet, and TV once a year.
22. Don’t fill up on bread, no matter how good.
23. A handshake beats an autograph.
24. Don’t linger in the doorway. In or out.
25. If you choose to go in drag, don’t sell yourself short.
26. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.
27. Never get your hair cut the day of a special event.
28. Be mindful of what comes between you and the Earth. Always buy good shoes, tires, and sheets.
29. Never eat lunch at your desk if you can avoid it.
30. When you’re with new friends, don’t just talk about old friends.
31. Eat lunch with the new kids.
32. When traveling, keep your wits about you.
33. It’s never too late for an apology.
34. Don’t pose with booze.
35. If you have the right of way, take it.
36. You don’t get to choose your own nickname.
37. When you marry someone, remember you marry their entire family.
38. Never push someone off a dock.
39. Under no circumstances should you ask a woman if she’s pregnant.
40. It’s not enough to be proud of your ancestry; live up to it.
41. Don’t make a scene.
42. When giving a thank you speech, short and sweet is best.
43. Know when to ignore the camera.
44. Never gloat.
45. Invest in good luggage.
46. Make time for your mom on your birthday. It’s her special day, too.
47. When opening presents, no one likes a good guesser.
48. Sympathy is a crutch, never fake a limp.
49. Give credit. Take blame.
50. Suck it up every now and again.
51. Never be the last one in the pool.
52. Don’t stare.
53. Address everyone that carries a firearm professionally.
54. Stand up to bullies. You’ll only have to do it once.
55. If you’ve made your point, stop talking.
56. Admit it when you’re wrong.
57. If you offer to help don’t quit until the job is done.
58. Look people in the eye when you thank them.
59. Thank the bus driver.
60. Never answer the phone at the dinner table.
61. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.
62. Know at least one good joke.
63. Don’t boo. Even the ref is somebody’s son.
64. Know how to cook one good meal.
65. Learn to drive a stick shift.
66. Be cool to younger kids. Reputations are built over a lifetime.
67. It’s okay to go to the movies by yourself.
68. Dance with your mother/father.
69. Don’t lose your cool. Especially at work.
70. Always thank the host.
71. If you don’t understand, ask before it’s too late.
72. Know the size of your boy/girlfriend’s clothes.
73. There is nothing wrong with a plain t-shirt.
74. Be a good listener. Don’t just wait for your turn to talk.
75. Keep your word.
76. In college, always sit in the front. You’ll stand out immediately.
77. Carry your mother’s bags. She carried you for nine months.
78. Be patient with airport security. They’re just doing their jobs.
79. Don’t be the talker in a movie.
80. The opposite sex likes people who shower.
81. You are what you do, not what you say.
82. Learn to change a tire.
83. Be kind. Everyone has a hard fight ahead of them.
84. An hour with grandparents is time well spent. Ask for advice when you need it.
85. Don’t litter.
86. If you have a sister, get to know her boyfriend. Your opinion is important.
87. You won’t always be the strongest or the fastest. But you can be the toughest.
88. Never call someone before 9am or after 9pm.
89. Buy the orange properties in Monopoly.
90. Make the little things count.
91. Always wear a bra at work.
92. There is a fine line between looking sultry and slutty. Find it.
93. You’re never too old to need your mom.
94. Ladies, if you make the decision to wear heels on the first date, commit to keeping them on and keeping your trap shut about how much your feet kill.
95. Know the words to your national anthem.
96. Your dance moves might not be the best, but I promise making a fool of yourself is more fun then sitting on the bench alone.
97. Smile at strangers.
98. Make goals.
99. Being old is not dictated by your bedtime.
100. If you have to fight, punch first and punch hard.”
—  A high school teacher’s list of 100 wisest words

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


At my school, we constantly refer to the "bubble"; we are shielded from the reality of the outside world in our little community. I have been at the same school since I was six years old. Most of my grade has been with me for 11 years. Its so strange to see how relationships develop, and how people change. I love my school, and I am thankful for the amazing people and experiences I have gained from attending. I can whole whole-heartedly admit that there are people at in my grade that I have never had a long conversation with, but I think the seemingly magical thing about my school is that we are just a relatively small group of people with a lot of things in common, and a lot of differences, and we are thrust in this same situation together daily. I know that everyone in my grade knows things about me. They know my name, and probably a lot of other things as well. Today I talked to people that I wouldn't say that I am close with, but we smiled and laughed and were nice to each other. I proposed to someone today in my French class (it was a strange, but fun game my teacher created) that I am not close friends with, but we laughed and had fun. I don't know if I would get the same experience at some other school. Maybe another school would be a better fit for me, but honestly, there is not much about my school that I would change. I love how I can laugh and joke with my friends and my teacher in my Physics class. I love my dysfunctional yearbook family. I love how we gossip and vent and discuss worldly issues. I love getting close with people on sports teams, and I have a cycle of sadness towards the end of a season, knowing that: "this is out last game", "we won't be together everyday anymore", etc. I love my English class, where we sit in a circle and have discussions on books, led by questions that we create ourselves.

I am shielded from a lot in my school; in the real world, you aren't able to leave your bag sitting around, with money, electronics, and books. I love my school's honor code. I feel safe knowing that for the most part, I am with people who will not steal from me, and we have an understanding that we will respect each other. I wish there are people in my school that I could be closer with, but at the same time I love walking into school in the morning and seeing a familiar face.

High school is a tough place. But at my school, in our little bubble, I'm having a good time.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Music Monday: Winter

Who's excited for my first Music Monday? I am! I love music. Who doesn't? Here are some of my top pics for the late winter! I have a VERY diverse taste in music. I love alternative, country, 90's pop and rap, you name it! Most of these songs in this post will be more low key alternative songs. That's what I find I am more in the mood in for the winter! In the summer, watch out, it'll be a complete 180!

No Scrubs (Cover) | Bastille: I think I have expressed by obsession with Bastille before? I love so many of their songs! I recently found this live cover of theirs and its so addicting. I think I have been listening to this song on repeat for an hour. No shame. It's really just that good.

It's actually kind of funny listening to TLC's original version in comparison, because Bastille's version, in my opinion, is just perfection. Some of my other favorite Bastille songs are "Flaws", "Pompeii" and "Things We Lost in the Fire".

James Vincent McMorrow | We Don't Eat and Mia Wray | We Don't Eat (Cover): I am obessed with her cover, and the original song. (I linked both!) I promise you that this song has made me cry multiple times. It really just connects with me on a whole different level.

The thing I love about Mia Wray is how she does it all herself, and she obviously spends so much time making her videos. Her voice is perfect! I love how she really mixes up how the song sounds, while keeping its integrity.

 James Vincent McMorrow is someone I would LOVE to see in concert. His voice really just touches my soul. The first song I ever found from him was "Higher Love". I found it a few years ago, and I guess that was when my obsession with him started! CHECK. HIM. OUT! (I also love his song "Early in the Morning, I'll Come Calling")

I And Love And You | The Avett Brothers: I love music that is only vocals and instruments. I think that the Avett Brothers, and this song especially, are great examples of that category.

Other songs on my Spotify that are definitely worth checking out:

Do you have any suggestions? 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday Food 5: Vegetarian Recipes

I had Wednesday and Thursday off for snow days, which was so nice! I did not really do much, but its always nice to be able to sleep in 3+ hours later than I usually can, and wear a t shirt all day! I've been living in long sleeve lacrosse tournament tees and leggings for the last few days. Having only two days of school this week has been amazing, to say the least.

I have been on Pinterest a ton over the past few days. You can check out my account in the tabs above! One of the things that I have been posting on Pinterest are some healthy vegetarian recipes. I have been a full on vegetarian for over a year and a half now, so I love finding new recipes to shake up my normal go to favorites. Some of my favorite go-to meals are pasta with homemade tomato sauce, homemade macaroni and cheese with some sort of vegetable on the side, black bean tacos, homemade vegetarian chili, and pumpkin soup from Williams Sonoma (that they unfortunately only sell in the fall, and i am out and suffering majorly). Some days when I am too tired to make a big meal, I will just have a can of black eyed peas, or a bowl of butter beans.

I love going out and finding great vegetarian lunch items. Some of my favorite options are from Panera and Chipotle. At Panera I get the creamy tomato soup in a bread bowl with an apple on the side. I absolutley love this. I get it literally every single time I go. The bread bowl is sourdough and it goes perfectly with the tomato soup. And no matter where you go, I encourage you to put croutons on tomato soup. I do this where ever I go and it really makes a difference. I highly recommend!

Photo courtesy of Mrs. Garfunkle on Pinterest. Not owned by me!

At Chipotle I get a bowl with black beans, hot salsa, pico de gallo, corn salsa, lettuce, and extra cheese (with chips on the side that I share with my mom!). Other times I will get basically the same thing, except as hard shell tacos. Another place I love is Noodles & Company. They have the best pastas, and its a similar type of ordering format as Panera. Of course I have a lot of local favorites that are locally owned and delicious, but I think these are great options that you can find all over! What are your favorite places to grab a great vegetarian lunch?

I found some great vegetarian recipes that I totally want to try! Here are my 5 favorites.

1. "Gingered Pumpkin Soup" from Eat Yourself Skinny (find it here!)

Photo from Eat Yourself Skinny
Totally reminds me of the Williams Sonoma pumpkin soup that I have fallen in love with. At only 85 calories a serving, it sounds not only delicious, but also really healthy too!

2. "Parmesan Roasted Asparagus" from the Barefoot Contessa (find it here!)

Found on tumblr
My family actually had this for dinner last night, in a recipe from a really old Homestead cookbook. Coincidentally, I have seen this photo on both tumblr and Pinterest, and knew it would make it onto this post. Parmesan on asparagus is heavenly. I could not find the original recipe my family used last night, but I know that the Barefoot Contessa's recipe is basically identical. This is a great side dish that is really simple to make. You can easily make it without strictly following a recipe, for sure.

3. "Olive Garden Inspired Minestrone Soup" from Eat Yourself Skinny (find it here!)
Photo from Eat Yourself Skinny
I love minestrone soup, and order it all the time at Italian restaurants. I also sometimes eat it from a can that I got from the grocery store, and it never really compares. I would love to try this recipe and make my own healthy version!

4. "oregano roasted brassicas with maple + dijon dressing" from The First Mess (find it here!)
Photo from the First Mess
Unlike most American teenagers, I actually like Brussels sprouts. This dish sounds right up my alley. I can see it served at Thanksgiving, or just an average weeknight at my house. I feel like I would have some sort of potato with it, and my parents would have chicken! Looks fresh and amazing.

5. "Spring Vegetable Lo Mein" from Half Baked Harvest (find it here!)
Photo from Half Baked Harvest
I love Asian pasta dishes, especially for a light lunch. the only thing that I would change about this recipe is to take out the mushrooms! Otherwise it looks fresh and healthy.

I hope that you've enjoyed this post. Its a little bit different from the other stuff that I've recently been posting, but I hope you like it! Let me know if you try any of these recipes, or if you have any suggestions!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

University of Virginia

I got back from my visit to the University of Virginia yesterday, and I really loved it! It's a lot bigger than most of the other schools that I am interested in, but I really love it and can see myself there. I am definitely applying! 
All about UVA: its a medium sized school, with just shy of 16,000 undergrads. Its located in the mountains of Virginia. It's a public school, and they admit 50% Virginians and 50% from out of state. The most recent reviews call it the #2 public university in the nation. They have all Division 1 sports.
A TON of people from my school go to UVA, and I thought that this would be really annoying, but I realized that even though I might see people that I went to HS with on a daily basis, it's a big enough school where I do not have to be around them too much if I don't want to.

Even though I visited UVA in the middle of winter, it's still a gorgeous school! I had the BEST tour guide (his name is Aaron!) that I have had on any of my college visits. It really helped me learn more about the school than I did at a school like William and Mary where I had the worst tour guide!

How does UVA stack up on my wish list?

1. Study Abroad: Yes! They have over 50 of their own programs. They didn't talk about this too much but I think that it is pretty normal to go overseas while at UVA. I have been thinking about where I would want to study abroad, and I think that England would probably be at the top of that list. My mom loves how UVA has this program called Semester at Sea, which she first heard about on the radio. It's when you take classes on this old cruise ship and stop at ports all over the world!

2. Small Classes: 80% of their classes are under 40 people (I'm not quite sure if I have this stat right, but you get the point!). Most of their intro classes are the huge ones with hundreds of people. What they do for those classes is that they do split them up in discussion groups, which is nice!

3. Traditions: Created by President Thomas Jefferson, many of the terms that he used in the formation of UVA are still used today. Some of those include calling the campus the grounds, and not calling using the terms "freshmen", "sophomores", etc. Instead, they're called 1st years, 2nd years, etc. They also have a tradition of "girls wear pearls, guys wear ties" to the football games. I love that! I'm definitely the kind of girl who'd like to dress up for a football game, and I love guys dressed up as well! They also have secret societies that bring a cool atmosphere to the campus (IMPs, Zs, and 7s). They have varying levels of secrecy, but all of them do a lot to help out the school and the students.

4. Honor Code: Student run. Pretty same rules as my school: you cannot lie, cheat, or steal. If you do any of these things at UVA, you will be expelled if caught. My tour guide mentioned take home exams, which I think are pretty cool. I think it is cool how much trust teachers put in their students with things like take home exams!

5. Liberal Arts Education: If you are in the College of Arts and Sciences, you are required to take some classes, like a language. I don't mind this at all, I really want to try a language like Italian or maybe even Spanish in college.

6. College Town (with trees!): I love Charlottesville. They have the best shopping and really cute stores. One of my favorite parts of Charlottesville is the Corner. Its a ton of cute shops and great places to eat, right near all of the UVA buildings. I have gone to Charlottesville a few times of year as a pit stop for vacations and other college tours. I love people watching there too! So many people at UVA have the best clothes! Another small detail that I think is pretty cute is how the streets on grounds have UVA's logo painted on them. Love Cville.

7. Greek Life: Yes! About 33% of students go Greek in some capacity. They rush in the spring, which is nice so you aren't so busy at the beginning of the year and trying to sort everything out! The Panhellenic Society actually stayed at the same hotel I did in Cville, when I went they were just starting rush, I believe! Their sorority and fraternity houses are look very nice. I think it's something I would definitely want to be involved in!

Other Facts and Info:

-As a first-year, you must have a meal plan, you must live on campus, and you cannot bring a car.

-Apply to Early Action by November 1 and Regular Decision by January 1.

- 50% of 2nd years live off campus. Most people I know at UVA move to an apartment as a 2nd year with their friends. I don't know if I like this that much, but apparently some apartments are closer than living on grounds through UVA's system!

- I went to eat at two great restaurants in Charlottesville that I definitely recommend. We ate at this Italian restaurant called Vivace for dinner. It was amazing! My mom had Mahi Mahi that she really liked, and I had spaghetti with marinara sauce. The bread there was amazing, too! I highly recommend. It was also really cool because we ate with the Florida State basketball team, who was in town for their game against UVA! For lunch I went to Revolutionary Soup at the Corner. I had tomato basil bisque with croutons. They give you an apple with any soup, and it was my favorite kind: pink lady! It was very similar to Panera with how you order. I really liked it and can see myself going there a lot!

Walking on our tour!
 It was a great trip and I am so happy to have finally visited. I have no idea where I will visit next, and I am really happy to finally have a good list of schools that I like. This week I will be meeting with my college counselor to see where I can get in!
So far, I have visited UVA, the College of William and Mary, Davidson College, Wake Forest University, Fordham University (I never wrote a post about this, if you have any questions about my tour, email me or comment below!), and Washington and Lee University.
If you go to UVA, and have anything else to add or correct, please let me know. I have basically written down what I learned at the information session and my tour guide told me. Thanks!


On my way home! Sad to leave

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday Pinterest Day 5: Interior Design Obsession

I'm bringing back the Thursday Pinterest Day! 

I haven't had one since... July? August? Oh my gosh I miss summer so much! I have already started shopping for rompers and other warm weather clothing for summertime. I cannot wait to be tan and live in shorts and sandals. Only a little bit more than five months left!

This summer my family hopes to make it to Europe (I really want to go to Italy and London). I really want to study abroad in college in London or maybe Italy or Spain, and I want to go with my family first to see how I like it! If anyone has any suggestions about where to go/eat/stay in Europe, make sure to email me or comment below! My family would love any suggestions.  I am also going to the Dominican Republic this summer with a group from my school for a mission trip! Some of my good friends are going and I think that it'll be so much fun. What are you doing this summer?

Something you should know about me: I love interior design and fashion to death. When I am older, I would either want to be an interior designer, fashion journalist, or own my own store. It's something that I am obsessively passionate about! If you follow me on tumblr or pinterest, I am sure you can see how fashion and interior design are both very appealing to me. Here are a few of my favorite interiors that I have found or posted on Pinterest!

 I love the contrast of the beautiful black and white wallpaper and the bright blue chair!

 The red and pink paint on the walls really brightens up this bathroom!

 I love white bedding with colorful accents. Plus the beautiful green background has me dreaming of summer!

A simple and beautiful office space for an artist! 

I am a huge reader, so wherever I live I want a room dedicated to books! I love how books surround this bright window seat. 


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dream Gowns Off the Runway

Even though prom is a long long way away (4 months!), but I have already started looking for my prom dress, but not intensely at all; I know I would change my mind if I got a dress now! However, if I had an unlimited budget, here are the dresses that I would kill for! I have collected them on my Pinterest page after hours sorting through collections over the past few years. Although these are probably more suited for an award show (it is, after all, award season!), these are some dresses that I just adore!

Check out more amazing runway looks on my pinterest page (there's a link with the tabs above!)


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's So Cold! Winter OOTD

It's freezing! Here is the gist of what I wore yesterday around town to keep me warm.

Untitled #13

I recently got my red L.L. Bean vest (find it here!) and I have been wearing it everywhere! I recommend it to fans of J. Crew's excursion vest, for sure! It's a great pop of color in the winter. I have a green coat that I also love to wear from L.L. Bean that is great. I highly recommend their outerwear!

I love putting baseball caps on when I am having a lazy day (or a bad hair day)! I have been eyeing this J. Crew hat for a while now. It comes in a lot of great colors, I might get it with some of the money I received for Christmas!

I didn't have a lot of time tonight (school night woop woop) to link everything. If you have any questions about where things are from, just put them in the comments and I'll help you out!

Hope everyone is staying warm in this national FREEZING week! I am in the process of receiving my midterm grades and semester averages! Very stressful few days. Only three days left!


Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014's First Weekend - Saturday Six

This post was originally going to be a Friday Five when I started it a few days ago, but it got pushed back so now... Saturday Six?
1. Painting Results: I got my light switch plate and mason jar that I painted a few weeks ago back, and I'm loving them! I put one of my Vineyard Vines stickers on my ceramic mason jar, and put some of my pens in it!


2.  I recently watched the movie "Take Me Home" on Netflix. Its a highly acclaimed romantic comedy with a much more "indie" feeling than most rom com movies I watch. It follows the cross country road trip of Thom and Claire in a fake NYC taxi cab. Great movie!

3. I can't believe that in three months I will be in France for the French Exchange. Like what?

4. Music: One of my recent artist obsessions is Bastille! I think that they are amazing! Besides their most popular song, "Pompeii", some of my other favorites are "Things Lost in the Fire" and "Flaws". I hope you check them out! All of those songs are off their album "Bad Blood".
I listen to all of my music through Spotify. If you don't have an account (it's free!) I highly recommend that you sign up! I think I might do another long music post soon.

5. This quote I found in the New York Times Sunday Styles section a few weeks ago. (The Styles Section of the NYT is actually my addiction.)
"I always tell him, ‘After we die, we have to find each other in our next life.’ I also tell him if I die before him, I really want him to fall in love again. But in our next lifetime, he has to find me, not her. That’s the deal." -Meghan Milewski
 I am not sure whether or not I believe in reincarnation. I have heard theories before that you are always reincarnated with your same family unit, with the members in different roles. It's an interesting topic to think about. No matter my thoughts on the subject, I feel that this woman's love for her new husband is so strong, it really moved me.

6. KJP and Sarah Vickers engagement: Okay if anyone doesn't know this power couple, let me introduce you! Kiel James Patrick is a New Englander and clothing and accessories designer. His site is here and this is his tumblr! His fiancé's name is Sarah Vickers, and she runs one of my favorite blogs, Classy Girls Wear Pearls. They have been dating forever, and they recently engaged! They have the BEST style. Also, they have all these amazingly stylish friends who hang out together and work together and do these extremely preppy and admirable things. (Can you tell how obsessed I am with them?!) I love her friend Sadie Zucchi's style the most out of their whole gang. I have been reading Sarah's blog for a few years now, I highly recommend.
Here's their engagement photo! (taken from KJP's tumblr)
Here are some of my favorite shots from Sarah's blog:
Trust me when I say that these aren't even all of her shoes. SO jealous!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Resolutions & Organization

Hey everyone!

It's my first post of 2014 (on the first day of 2014)! Last night was pretty low-key in my house. I had some of my favorite Williams-Sonoma Pumpkin Bisque, which is only available in the fall (but luckily my mom found one and gave it to me for Christmas). I watched the ball drop, and whoop there is was... 2014.

I actually really liked 2013. It's been a really good year, but I am so excited for this year! In 2014, I will go to France with my school, the Dominican Republic on a service mission, hopefully to Europe with my family, and I know this summer I will be visiting tons of schools in preparation for my SENIOR YEAR (how am I already this old?!). I'll be applying to colleges this year. It's something that I cannot really wrap my head around!

I know that most people make resolutions for the new year, and almost always they are about diet, losing weight, and exercise. Although, like everyone else, I have those kind of goals for 2014, I think my main resolutions aren't going to be about those things. Here are my 2014 resolutions:

1. To try to be more outgoing, and more eager to take advantage of my final years at home with my family, and in high school!

2. Not mess with my hair. It's kind of a gross habit, and not something that I want to do.

3. Spend less time trying to impress people on social media. Who really cares if I lose a few followers or something like that? I shouldn't, and that's what I am going to work on!

4. Keep my room more organized, and not procrastinate as much!

Although my room is often what my mom calls "a disaster zone", my planner is very organized, and I thought that people may want to improve on their own calendar's organization for the new year!

Even though my school gives every middle and high school student planners, I prefer the Lilly ones much more. I have a Jumbo Lilly Pulitzer Planner. Because I have relatively large hand writing, and this is the perfect size planner for me. A lot of people at my school have the Large planner as well, it just depends on preference.

I use my Crayola magic markers religiously, and the main place that I use them (as you can see in the pictures above and below) is in my planner. I use them to bring attention to special days, and to box in any reminders. The pack that I got has gorgeous colors, they really brighten up my planner!

I mark the week with a K magnetic bookmark that I got as a gift. It makes it a lot easier, so that I can just flip to the week, instead of searching for it. Another thing I do is that I write all of my subjects (even days when I do not have that class) and highlight them in the same color. I highlight to separate them from the assignment. I put a box to the left of every subject, and put a check in it when I have finished that subject. I have done it this way for over 4 years now, and it really works for me!
Another little piece of advice I have about organizing is to use a backpack with different compartments, which helps me to be more organized than if I we're go use a tote bag. 

 (That's my backpack, from North Face... and my SAT book and new blanket that I got for Christmas from my mom!)

Another great thing to use are sticky notes! I use them to mark pages in books for English, where my notes start for a new test in History class, and countless other places! I just got new ones for Christmas! 

I hope this helps, and I hope your 2014 is going well so far!
